Just bought my airplane ticket for DC yesterday evening. One of my bffs is getting hitched!!! I've known this lady since the sixth grade when she popped at my school via Peru. I remember the first time I saw her because she was wearing a blue sweater with a giant daisy on it. I really did not like her at first because I thought she was annoying, but that only lasted for a few months and even though she parted ways and left California for Utah when we started college she's still part of my life. My friends and I always predicted that she'd be the first to get married because she's Mormon and so far the bet is 1/5, four more girlfriends unmarried. I think I'm 3 or 4 on that list but I'm going to go ahead and move myself to slot 5 because there is no way in hell I'm going to get married anytime soon, shizz I'm still a baby! ;)

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