Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Inspiration from Europe

I've been noticing that many of the European ladies photographed by the Facehunter are sporting polished, but messy buns at the top of their heads. I really like this hairdo because not only does it look badass, but it's super simple to style and it totally keeps you cool during the day when it's 165 degrees outside.

Above three photos by the Facehunter

And here's my European bun, not as high as I would have liked it to be but I can't complain because my hair length is only a bit bellow the shoulder. Also, long flashy earrings are necessary when your hair is not in the way. Mine are from H&M and the Metallica tee is from a Meet and Greet event I went to about a year ago where I got to say hi to the band. It is customized by yours truly.

Sometimes when I put an outfit together I think, "What would so and so wear?" The other day I thought, "What would Pete Doherty wear?"

Aside from the fact that Pete (via England) is a mess he makes beautiful music (too bad he can't get his act together and get permission to tour the states) and he dresses damn well. It's a little 70's bohemian with the attitude of "I don't give a fuck if I look like I haven't showered in three days." Just to clarify, I showered before wearing this...

The dress is from H&M, it had a high collar but I cut that ish off because it was a bit claustrophobic. I'm wearing a tank underneath because otherwise there would be a nip slip. The belt is from the Gap, shoes are Chinese Laundry, the hat has no brand, and the bracelets were bought at several locations: Berkeley Indian shop, Haight Street and Target.

Pete photos by Time and Celebslap

1 comment:

  1. Dear Electric Lady,
    I love you, yo-siempre, and these outfits.
    We should plan a shopping date (which I'm surprised we haven't done yet.)
